RaviprakashTv9Ceo CASTE
The Batwal of Punjab follow their lineage to the town of Batwal in the Kashmir Valley, and the word Batwal in Punjabi implies in a real sense the occupant of Batmalu. Different customs place their starting point to the town of Batwal in Jammu. The people group gave the conventional contenders of the Punjab 337 BC. As per the local area own practice, the Batwal had to escape their settlements when India was assaulted by Alexander the Great. When the Greek militaries withdrew, the Batwal observed that their neighbors had held onto their territories, and they had to become town warriors to guardian. In the Jammu district, from where the Punjab Batwal guarantee to have started, there are various customs as their starting point. One customs allude to the way that the Batwal were attached to the land by the Dogra landowners, and the word Batt in the Dogri language implies somebody who is reinforced. They were for ages attached to specific groups of Dogras, and were essentially s...